RX Plastics
PW Contracting is an Installer and Service Agent for RX Plastics
Aerated Wastewater Treatment System for Rural Properties and Lifestyle Blocks
The AirTech™ system is an efficient, lightweight sewage treatment plant that safely and effectively processes all household sewage and wastewater and
recycles it as clear, odourless nutrient enriched water to irrigate landscape, shelterbelt, coppice wood lots or existing planted areas.
For the environmentally minded this means that the sewage and wastewater is treated on the property where it is produced and then recycled for reuse with little or no environmental impact on the land.
The robust, yet flexible, polyethylene construction of AirTech tanks means that they are able to handle more stresses than other materials like concrete, without any damage.
AirTech™ system installed
Addressing Environmental Concerns
Discharge of sewage and wastewater to our environment can have a serious impact on soil structures and water aquifers.
With local and regional authorities requiring rural residents with no sewage reticulation, to manage, treat and dispose of your own sewage and wastewater within the boundaries of your property, this issue may become a serious concern for you and the management of your property.
To meet the range of effluent quality standards that may vary between authorities you need a septic tank or sewage treatment tank designed to minimise these adverse effects.
Designed recognising the latest industry standards and incorporating many innovative features, the AirTech™ is unequalled by any existing polyethylene tank system available today.
Controller Alarm Communication Management System
The AirTech™ alarm provides information so you can ensure the AirTech™ is functioning properly and when it is in need of servicing.
Controller and alarm plate
- Automatic 24 hour self setting facility
- Wireless connection between AirTech™ and Alarm mounting (usually in the house)
- 24 hour alarm
- At 6 months the alarm will start flashing to signal needing a service.
- Snooze alarm – with 24 hour re-occuring reminder alarm to ensure service is completed and your AirTech™ system is once again fully functioning
MAX™ and Metro Water Tanks
RX Plastics has a range of water storage solutions, and manufacturing facilities in Hamilton and Ashburton make it easy to transport tanks of all sizes throughout the North and South Island.
RX Plastics is the first and only New Zealand manufacturer to be officially certified by an independent testing authority, meeting the requirements of the Australasian Tank Standard set by the tank manufacturing industry itself.
Talk to Paul at PW Contracting to find out more about RX Plastics tanks and waste water systems